Here it is so far:
You know you’re a quiller if.... find bits of paper in your bed (submitted by Sam) have to sweep under your table several times a day and not because of food crumbs
...if you mess up on a project and haven't mounted it yet, you straighten the quilling paper from the no-go project out again to reuse in the future. take pictures of appliques on your baby's clothing so you can convert them into quilling patterns (yes, sad, but true - I've done it - and recently, too)
NOTHING else scheduled - lunch dates, doctor appointments, nada, nyet, nix -
except for an emergency!! (submitted by Ev Crane) can’t help but look at the world without thinking, “I wonder if I could make a quilling pattern out of that.” are so concentrated on your quilling project that you don’t notice that a tornado has gone through your house (in my case, a tornado disguised as a three year old child) dream about quilling and quilled designs have a quilling project “to do” list that’s at least two pages long – typed sacrifice sleep to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to quill
...your online quilling community is almost as close to your heart as your own family
...your little son quills a cute flower for his teacher (submitted by Ariana) have an addition built onto your home to house all your supplies (submitted by Molly)...when you view real live objects, but only see patterns created by shaped coils (submitted by Charli)
....all you want to do is talk about quilling and have an urge to convert everyone to become quillers (submitted by Charli)